Bibra Lake Medical Centre doctors are all involved in the preparation of chronic disease management plans, mental health plans and health checks.
Our practice nurses are highly skilled in wound management and vaccinations.
Online Bookings can be made at any time, on your smartphone, tablet or computer.
We accept Cash, EFTPOS and Credit Card payments.
Please note that some procedures will incur an out-of-pocket cost regardless of concession status. Please speak with your GP or the friendly reception staff for further details.
All phone consults booked will attract the same fee as in person consults in line with the billing policy of the practice. Please call reception if you require clarification. Payment will be required on the day of service and can be paid over the phone after your consult. We thank you for your understanding.
It is imperative you see your regular GP for a specialist referral. It is difficult for doctors to write referrals without seeing the patient and identifying the exact nature of the referral. It is illegal for doctors to backdate referrals so please ensure you get your referral organised before your appointment with your specialist.
Best medical care suggests that you make an appointment to discuss your medication before being issued with a repeat prescription. Other than in special circumstances, our doctors will not issue a prescription without a consultation if you have not been seen in the last 3 months. Prescriptions issued without a consultation will attract a fee of $15, to be paid on collection of script. In keeping with medicolegal guidelines, doctors will only generally provide one month supply of any medication
Your doctor will advise when they expect results to arrive at the practice. If you do not hear from us via telephone call or SMS please discuss with your doctor when you next attend. For any urgent results – you will be notified via telephone call from one of our nurses.
Our practice is committed to prevention. Your doctor or our friendly receptionist will seek your permission to be included on our reminder system. We may issue you with a reminder offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. This ensures you never need to worry if you are due for your SMS or letters are issued to ensure we are working together to ensure your continued health.
U19/14 Annois Rd,
Cnr Annois & Parkway Roads,
Bibra Lake WA 6163.
(08) 9417 7664